Chuckles in Cairo

I posted these pictures elsewhere, and got a great response.

This TRULY is Cairo – in all its glory. Be prepared to be amazed.

In the supermarket:

So maybe there IS truth in advertising….

Or, things you see while walking down the street:

Nice, family-friendly billboard (advertising a comedy movie)

So THAT’S how chandeliers get moved!

Look closely at the writing and….

“Read my Leps!”

Whole houses get moved in one truck.

Motorbikes carry a full-size spare.

Elevators have a NO-NO switch.


I can’t even explain what this is because I don’t know – some sort of children’s toy…

Welcome in Egypt.

1 comment

  1. Sometimes I think we all find the same things funny – I’ve got the “no” switch and the snake oil cream on my blog too. Thank God for cell phone cameras – this week I found seaweed flavored potato chips at Alfa. Blech.

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