The end of the work week is Thursday. There is an unofficial “Happy Hour” weekly that is by invitation (although not exclusive – getting on the list requires asking). We attended our first TGIT last evening at the rooftop bar of the Nile Hilton. It is rather unbelievable that we are LIVING IN CAIRO, and drinking at the NILE HILTON.

We watched the sun set next to the Cairo Tower on the south end of Gezira Island (where we live, in Zamalek), we could see the Pyramids at Giza and feluccas sailing on the Nile while drinking very cold Sakarra Gold beer in the warm breeze 12 floors above the river. It was nearly surreal.




  1. Shoot! Jack looks like Indiana Jones in this picture. Where’s Marion and Sallah???

    You guys still want the voltage gizmos? Send me your snail mail address (do they have snails in Cairo??) and I’ll post them to you.

    Ma as-salaamah and keep posting!


    KD – What, Gary, I”M not good enough for Indiana Jones???  Sheesh!!

    As for the voltage thingies – the former resident in our apartment left us a BOX of them, so we are set for adaptors, voltage regulators and other power conversion thingies that I don’t even know what they are.  (Of course, Jack just says,”It’s technical darling, you don’t need to understand.”  Sometimes I just want to slap him  :)  )

  2. Not good enough for Indiana? I never meant that! A thousand pardons, mistress!

    Glad to hear your all adapted.

    If you decide to slap him give me a heads-up so I can fly over and watch. ;>

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