Starting over

We got back in August. I’ve made very few posts since then. This was, in part, due to the overwhelming craziness of the move, the readjustment, going back to my former job, blahblahblah. I was also not sure if we were going to “retire” Cairo Chronicles. Well… it seems we are keeping it. So I’m… Continue reading Starting over

Headed to Vietnam

After 6 days in Thailand, Bangkok and Chiang Mai, we are now sitting in the airport waiting for our (delayed)  flight to Hanoi. Bangkok was fun, relaxing, it poured rain one night, and we ate ourselves silly.  Chiang Mai was much the same – mostly eating and sleeping, some shopping and a lovely spa treatment… Continue reading Headed to Vietnam


The much-touted US election has been blogged to death elsewhere, so I will add merely a little slice of Egypt to the mix. All the hoopla and run-up to the election was felt here, but only for one candidate. As far as I can tell (and remember, I’m firmly ensconced in the proverbial Ivory Tower)… Continue reading Post-election