WHEW – One week!

Sabaah il-kheer! (Good morning) We arrived last Tuesday, and have been in accelerated settling in mode ever since. The AUC orientation began on Sunday (Yes, Sunday is the start of the work week in the Muslim world). We have been inundated with information for the last 4 days. My tote bag weighs about 15 pounds,… Continue reading WHEW – One week!

The Recap

Here are some photos Well – I’ve been going thru a lot of the photos on my camera and found a few that kinda summed up the last few months. They are random, not-so-good, and those pictured have not given their permission. Oh well! You’ll have to come to Cairo to get me. 🙂 Hope… Continue reading The Recap


Sunday, August 20th – We finished packing/organizing/moving our stuff in the house – thanks to Pat, we managed to keep our king size mattress in storage. Jack and I had “disagreed” frequently about this. I won. 🙂 We had an outstanding dinner at one our favorite restaurants – Harvest Vine. Many plates of tapas (Sardine… Continue reading Travelling

Send the Envoy!

Warren Zevon has been Jack’s and my hero for a long time. This trip is no different. After much craziness with flights thru Heathrow and trying to get to Cairo on time, we got rerouted through Frankfurt. OUr tickets were booked SOOOOO late, that we could not get seat assignments until the day we flew.… Continue reading Send the Envoy!

The time has come

It is FINALLY here. Departure time. Not the actual, “OMG, the plane is taking off” departure, but we are stripping the bed, doing the last load of laundry, cleaning out the last bits of personal minutia. We will be off for dinner and the airport this evening. This long-awaited moment arrives, bittersweet, as all departures… Continue reading The time has come

It has come to this

Today, the last pieces of our shipment were purchased, and are making their way into the boxes, to leave us tomorrow. The cats move to a new home to live happily ever after. I am drinking a lovely $25 dollar wine out of a plastic cup because all of our non-essential possessions have been purged… Continue reading It has come to this

Relativity of Time

You know how, in horror movies, something will be happening and the character is trying to run somewhere, but the world seems to be in slow motion? And then suddenly, the slow motion (“running in molasses”) ends, and real-life speed ensues? At that moment, real-life speed seems REALLY fast! I seem to be living that… Continue reading Relativity of Time

Categorized as Chaos

Turning in the keys

Today I finished packing up my office, throwing away files and giving away crap. Today I turned in all 8 keys that I’d accrued in the last 7 years, and my electronic key card. I no longer have access outside of “normal” business hours. How distinctly odd, and scary, and (MOSTLY) liberating. I have found… Continue reading Turning in the keys