9 containers – 68,000 cubic inches

Yes, in fact, this is what our lives have been reduced to for the next few years. Of course, this is ONLY worldly belongings. Life is, after all, about the experiences that you can’t put in a box, and yet are always with you. The freight forwarding company picks up “our life” on Friday. At that point, all our belongings, save what we bring in our luggage, is in the hands of (pick your diety here). I am sure that there are things that we don’t know we will need in Cairo, and there is no way to prevent that. Thanks to those who are coming to visit – we’ll send shopping lists before you leave the States! 🙂

I am stunned at how LITTLE we are actually bringing. We did not use our entire 748 pound allotment for freight AND we each have two HUMONGOUS suitcases and carry-on bags! What the heck are we forgetting that others remember to bring????

There is a great sense of accomplishment in having our stuff ready to go, and there is a simultaneous sense of panic about what “should” or “should not” be in the shipment. At this point, there is no changing what is in there, to any great extent, so… I guess it will suffice. How is it that we are “supposed to know” what we will need in a country/culture that we have never been to? There are no universal guidelines to follow – apparently, one just punts! We do have the advantage that we are not going to a place where supplies are scarce. If we need something, I am sure we will find something to suffice in Cairo!

OMG it is really happening!