We are truly blessed! We have been in Egypt less than 2 years, and have had an INCREDIBLE number of visitors! No kidding. We have had more visitors than many of our friends, who have been here for upwards of 5 to 10 years!
We could account for this in a couple of ways:
- We are sooooo ultimately cool, that EVERYONE wants to be with us
- Unlikely, but fun to contemplate
- Egypt is a rather exotic destination. Having friends who live here makes the visit MUCH easier and FAR less stressful
- Seeing us only one time per year is far more enticing than our regular and frequent appearances at all YOUR abodes in the States
There may be other reasons, but I’m leaning towards “B”. This is not a problem. Jack has posted a “reciprocation ultimatum” on his blog. That sounds really good to me. Y’all need to spread out to locations around the world where we haven’t been – we’d really appreciate it.
All that being said – we have been the “revolving door” hotel for the last month. It has been a month of laughter, misty eyes, short nights and tourist “crap-tacular” (thanks Joe!) events .
We enjoy our friends, and would do whatever we can for them. Yet I always find it surprising that they feel similarly. Recent visitors have arrived with supplies ranging from our favorite type of deodorant to crossword puzzle books (I am a TOTAL ADDICT) and crushed red pepper flakes to AN ENTIRE SMITHFIELD HAM, a digital photo frame (complete with pics of our “other life” in Seattle) and incredibly wonderful yarn and patterns. We have literally been floored by the incredibly thoughtful and personally relevant items that people have bestowed upon us.
To all of our guests while we have been in Egypt (and those who are planning/speculating or otherwise dreaming of coming) – Tosherofna (We are honored by your presence).