The Ordinary Uncategorized

Gonna buy 5 copies for my mother!

It ain’t exactly Rolling Stone….

and we aren’t on the cover….

and it ain’t photos of us,but…

Allow us to toot our own horns for a moment.

So a friend of ours asked if we had any good pictures from our trip to Zanzibar.
She was doing an article for “Horus” magazine, the on-board magazine of Egypt Air.

We sent her a bunch and she picked 4.

2 of Kaddee’s and 2 of mine.

Our photos will be in the June/July issue of Egypt Air’s Horus magazine!!

The pictures are here.

The first 2 are Kaddee’s, the 2nd 2 are mine.

The mag isn’t online, but I have been promised a .pdf of the article. I will probably put that up after the issue goes to print.

We will have to fly somewhere to get hard copies.

This is our stepping stone to greatness!<snork>



Look left.