I, apparently, made a comment some time ago when someone asked me about how I enjoy living in Egypt and asked if I will miss it.
My reply was
I look forward to the time when I miss living in Egypt.
Now this was really an off-the-cuff, throw-away kind of line.
But my wife was there and she remembered [She remembers everything].
She reminded me of it a while back, and it is now my standard reply when people ask me “what do you think of living in Egypt.”
I think it sums it up.
3 replies on “The grass is always greener”
“But my wife was there and she remembered [She remembers everything].”
A commendable trait! (Been accused of this one too. We rememberers have to stick together.)
This is a line worth keeping, Jack. Think I might have to borrow it myself, with attribution of course.
the problem is, pedantically speaking of course, that should you actually *miss* living in egypt, that it’s likely you’d be living someplace less pleasant. no?
but what do i know? =;^D